About Us
We offer comprehensive and independent advice on the educational alternatives in your individual situation.
We know all the schools, we co-operate with, very well and are in constant personal contact with the schools.
With our years of experience, we can propose for you the boarding school, which meets best the needs of your child and also meets your expectations.
Only where a young person feels comfortable and is taken seriously, he /she will be successful and has the motivation to perform well.
We look forward to your inquiries.

I was myself a student in a German boarding school and then completed my A-levels at a boarding school in England. After that I studied successful economy at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Education. The experiences during my time at boarding school influenced me a lot and I would be extremely happy, to make this special and positive

As a mother of three children with very different interests, I was confronted with quite different school situations. My children have all attended boarding schools in Austria, Germany and England, individually selected and according to their needs with great success and enthusiasm. This experience and knowledge I’ve been using for many years at consulting parents and students personally. I want to help you to find the best school for your child.